Assisted Living Homes are designed to support seniors in a safe environment by providing ADL (Activities of Daily Living) assistance and encouraging them to live as independently as possible. We cater to residents with various needs and different levels of assisted living care, from Level 1 to Level 3 care.

Level 1 residents require a low level of care and need occasional help with their ADLs. These residents have good mobility and can manage their personal hygiene. However, they may need assistance with taking medication, meal service, laundry, housekeeping, and getting in and out of the shower.
Level 2 residents need a moderate level of care with their ADLs, such as shaving, transferring (getting on and off the toilet), getting dressed, or tray service. Level 2 care usually includes one-on-one assistance from caregivers. This means the facility must ensure adequate staff is onsite to provide residents with an appropriate level of care. (Residents requiring more than 60 minutes of daily direct care will need Level 3 Care.)
Level 3 care is referred to as “enhanced assisted living” because in level 3 care, assisted living residents require extensive, hands-on assistance for multiple ADLs. Level 3 residents will have several physical ailments that need daily assistance. Furthermore, it is also common for level 3 residents to have mild or moderate Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Therefore, these residents will need even more supervision and care from primary caregivers. (Residents requiring more than 90 minutes of direct care daily will require a Nursing Home Level of care). True Care will assist in transitioning residents who require a higher level of care to Skilled Nursing Facilities.
Shared Room $1,950
Private Room $3,200
Specific One-Time Costs
A $300 fee is used towards your move-in fee to arrange your medication and reserve your room.
Transportation can often be arranged for free through Community Action Agency. However, if the resident requires an escort or Community Action Agency is not capable of accommodating transportation needs, transportation may be provided by True Care Living (not guaranteed). The cost is $0.35 per minute (rounded to the closest 5-minute increment) and $0.75 per mile.
$6.50 per meal.
$35 per month.
Supplemental Assistance
True Care Living is an income-based Assisted Living facility. Depending on your income, you may qualify for supplemental assistance through one of our partnerships with MI Choice Waiver, Medicaid Support Services, Housing Vouchers. For more information, please email our Admissions Office.