Calina has been involved with models of healthcare for nearly 9 years including developmentally disabled adults, working her way into management. She has received her CNA training as well as training through Community Mental Health and expanded her skills, gaining 4 years of marketing and networking to include the experience and knowledge of sales and advertisement. Calina believes in a holistic approach to providing a quality of life to our residents. “I believe in managing the person, not the process in every situation, both staff and residents, and catering my communication with them to fit their needs and personality style. Treating our residents with dignity and respect is at the forefront of everything I stand for. This field has always sparked my interest because it is something I excel at. Taking care of others is a passion of mine and to be able to showcase those skills and do something I love at the same time is a blessing.” Calina’s main professional goal is to help our community in placing low-income elderly adults into a safe and stable environment with an added goal of being more involved with the veteran population while closely working with the VA and other veteran entities in the community. A major success of hers has been to help many individuals into a more stable environment as she continues to strive with the same tenacity and passion she started with when accepting this role.